Please browse custom wands I have crafted for individuals around the world - each as unique as the person who commissioned them. I can craft a similar one for you, or use one as a springboard for a new creation. Double-Terminated Double-Terminated Lithium Quartz Purple Fluorite & Quartz Key Crystal Double-Terminated Pink Fluorite & Quartz Sphere Double-Terminated Rutilated Moss Point & Quartz Sphere Triple-Terminated: The Goddess of Channeling, Mediumship and Communication Quartz Crystal Point & Rainbow Hematite Scepter Fire & Ice: Double-Double Terminated Rose-Quartz & Quartz Point Double-Terminated Quartz & Hematite Royal Scepter Double-Terminated Agate Point & Hematite Sphere Double-Double Terminated Rose Quartz Points Double-Term Rutilated Portal Quartz Point-Quartz Spheres Double-Terminated Transmitter Point & Quartz Sphere